Additional deck interpretation:
The Seven of Swords points you towards a path of advancing your growth by using stealth and deception as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you might need to use misdirection and trickery to elevate your position in life because being truthful about your plans may result in a serious setback due to misplanning or strong opposition from others.
The Seven of Swords usually denotes an imbalance, unresolved issues, misinterpretation and a need to reevaluate all of your plans.
This card is associated with excitement and using your power to get what you want, but you are going to do it in a clever and sneaky way instead of being out in the open about your intentions.
There is an impatient restlessness associated with this Sword. You might feel uneasy about something you have done or you might feel cheated because someone betrayed you or let you down.
Numerical Number 7: This number represents the time when you have evaluated and sorted out your options and made plans with the direction you are taking. You may or may not have made the right decision.
The Element of Air: The Seven of Swords is associated with the elemental air qualities of the planet Venus (wants, needs and desires) and the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The combination of Venus in Aquarius makes you need your space and refuse to be bound up with someone who wants to take your freedom away.
Probable Outcome: You might have a plan in the back of your mind and want to take action on it when the time is right.
Maybe you started an affair and took advantage of your lover and pulled the wool over their eyes, or maybe you took advantage of someone and did it in a sneaky way.
Perhaps you did not give someone the closure they deserved.
You might be avoiding a relationship commitment, saying you will commit just to appease someone, but you have no intentions of following through.
Or maybe you are using underhanded motives to get ahead. You WILL NOT play it safe and you will step on someone's toes to climb the ladder to succeed.
Possible Outcome: If the Hermit crosses the Seven of Swords you might need eyes in back of your head because you might be dealing with a crafty person who has hidden intentions, is unfaithful, betrays, cheats, lies, steals, or avoids a relationship commitment.
You might consult with others about a plan you have in back of your mind before you take action.
You may end a secret affair or give someone the closure they deserve.
Or you have decided to play it safe and will not step on someone's toes to climb the ladder to succeed
Then again, you might not be able to channel the energies of the Seven of Swords into your life. You are probably avoiding any kind of relationship commitments. You are resisting temptation and not ready to take any risks.
Timing: The Seven of Swords predicts that an important thought is first turned inwards, then turned outwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in the next hours or days to come.