The Six of Swords indicates strain, loss and lack of cooperation. Nobody is feeling good about what has happened. Those involved are straining alone, unsupported by others. Everyone is feeling some self-pity. Resentment is growing. New perspective and activity is needed by an entire family.
The consciousness of this card is one of indulging in gloom. If you live alone, think of each aspect of yourself as a part of a family. In this situation, the battle is within.
When the Six of Swords appears, a loss has ushered you toward the potential of better times. Unfortunately, you cannot find better times until you change your mental habits.
Although you are heading toward something different, you are feeling worse and worse. Positive physical, mental and emotional new habits will turn all of this around very quickly. Cycling with the same habits will entrench you into tighter unhappiness. Breath, be active, and exchange negative thoughts for positive ones.
The loss experienced when this card shows up is a non-random loss. It was not caused by an arbitrary accident. Upon honest inventory, one sees that the dull and dreary depressive feelings, the I-could-care-less thoughts, were alive throughout the previous circumstances. This led to a downfall that was co-created. It could have been sensed ahead if family members were taking more responsibility.
The bad news, which led to eruption of anger, was a predictable reflection of the energy building around attitudes. Time for healthy food, enjoyable exercise, conversations focused on gratitude, clarity about life gifts and passions. Time for new life approaches.
This card may appear if you are "in the jail" of a family with an addicted spouse. In this case, no matter how hard you try to change the group dynamic, one person's addiction takes over. While self-help books may try to convince you that this is due to your own pathology, such information can be very wrong.
Take time away from the person to heal yourself. Living with another's destructiveness can confuse you over time. Once you leave, all can become clear. You may find your growing negativity occurred because you were burdened by another. In time, you bounce back.
When the consciousness of this card has been totally ignored, there isn't even enough motivation for anyone to move. The one thing going for all of you, an opportunity elsewhere, is ignored. Everyone is become more and more inactive and despondent. Loss of a lot more will soon come. Many changes are now required!
The Six of Swords is the card of self-induced poor circumstances which can be altered, starting with both a change of thoughts and of actions.
List three habitual thoughts and three habitual actions that are taking you down. Now list three habitual thoughts and three habitual actions that can replace the negative ones in order to take you up.
Focus on the positive opportunities you have. Include the smallest and biggest ones.