The best way to look at the Ten of Swords is that the only way you can go, is up! This card may have you feeling down in the dumps, alongside feelings of negativity. Your energy may be low, and you may feel as if you have lost your va-va-voom!
If you keep in mind that nothing lasts forever, then you can bring in ways to navigate through the emotions the Ten of Swords portrays.
Is there something you feel you have hit rock bottom with and cannot see your way out of? Perhaps you have been struggling for a while and can't see your way clear of getting back on your feet. The good news is that when you reach this impasse things can't get any worse. You will be forced to look at ways to get yourself back on your feet and your life in order.
Quite often the circumstances portrayed in the Ten of Swords are not of your own doing. What can be of your own doing though is finding your way out of the situation and asking for help. Friends and family can be a good place to start. Just make sure you start somewhere because the sooner you look for answers and solutions to your situation, the sooner you can start shifting your emotions and life to a better place.
There is no need for you to stay stuck in your present emotions. Help is always at hand if you know where to look for it, and how to ask for it. You may be surprised with the amount of help and support that comes to you if you were only to take that first step and ask.