The Ten of Swords is the card of previous feelings of failure that have already turned to or will turn to triumph!
You either once were or are now forced into the depth of your inner world. The outside world pointed you there.
Failing doesn't change your value, worth, or goodness. It feels like it does. But that is a big part of this lesson. Nothing you did or didn't do made you less valuable. You are loved and desired. The world needs you. Now you have the chance to learn to love and accept yourself regardless of what you accomplish or don't.
There may even have been a set of lies and betrayals from others leading you to an unfair position in life at some time. You now have to come to terms with finding self-love even when you have been disappointed. You now have the chance to fall, even when exhausted, into universal love that has no judgments of you.
You have to find self-respect that goes far deeper than others' judgments. This is especially challenging when judgments are based on false pretenses. However, there is nothing else left to do but liberate your mind. Or you may have chosen this card because you practice this liberation naturally or recently learned how! Awesome!
If you tried to win in a situation and all seemingly intelligent acts of will backfired, you are being asked to surrender to the universal will. Who you thought you were, what you thought you were meant to do, and the ways you thought you were going to do it, just weren't accurate. Let life take over and help. Your only job now is to do nothing. Perhaps you already do this. Wonderful!
The lessons of self-love, self-worth, and trust in universal will are about to become evident or already have become evident. Rest and receive if you feel the inclination.
Once you are saturated with new understanding, as perhaps you are already, tenderness and compassion for self and others will grow strong. Your situation will improve greatly by not exercising will for awhile. You will later see that this experience paved the foundation for your dreams to come true and far greater success to take hold.
Hibernate, with no willpower being used for awhile. If you need someone to handle basics for you, be humble enough to ask.
Time for growth work and self-love.
The Ten of Swords is the card of devastation that has passed long ago leading to a good now, or passed recently leading to new miracles, or that is going to pass leading to wonderful outcomes!
Don't try to think this situation out any more. Allow in the universal love and help!
Bask in complete release.