The Ten of Swords is a card that speaks of distress, of breaking open, of surrender and release.
When this card appears, you may have reached a point in your life where you feel as though you have sunk as low as you can possibly sink and have lost all that you can possibly lose.
That's the bad news.
The good news is there is only one way to go now - up.
Life is made up of vibrations. Sometimes you radiate a high frequency and sometimes you radiate a low frequency. Right now it may feel like you have landed in a smack-down, face first, on the lowest level possible. You are carrying so much weight on your shoulders, your choices seem to get unhealthier and unhealthier, and there is no one left to help you.
If you stay on this path, death will find you. You believe you are the victim and responsibility is not in your bag. It all seems a little too dramatic, but you are beginning to recognize that you feed on the drama. You are beginning to see that nothing is in rhythm because you are not in rhythm.
You have been the victim for too long and this card is showing up to let you know it is time to take back your life. It is time to find your strength and remember who you are. No more excuses, no more procrastinating. It's time to 'step up to the plate and swing for the bleachers'.
You may feel broken but please understand that being broken is actually setting you free and creating space to let the light in. The Ten of Swords requires you to surrender control, to trust in life, to trust in yourself. Let go of all that you no longer require and find yourself again.
This is your path right now, this is the way out of despair. Love yourself so much, honor and respect yourself and remind yourself daily that you have everything you need within yourself. You can do this. Let go of the drama; it does not serve you. Find freedom in remembering who you truly are.
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breath deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become defenseless. Open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "I want for you what you want for you."
When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can. Feel the connection to your heart, and trust in your inner knowing; it will not lead you astray!
Enjoy the process.