When the Three of Swords appears, the heart has been broken thrice.
Often this means that your heart is suffering now. However, this card can also indicate that your suffering has occurred for a long time, and you are hurting from the cumulative effects of betrayal.
Either way, you are feeling devastated, inconsolable, and in much pain.
Over time you have experienced betrayal from a personal human relationship, betrayal from a situation, teacher, teaching or organization, and consequently a feeling of betrayal from either yourself, God, or life itself. The good news is that this is an opportunity to return to the neutral void of silence. How does this happen?
A variety of focuses can help to utilize a broken heart as a passage back home into awakening consciousness. By remaining true to one's original intention, even if this seems impossible, we open ourselves to this opportunity. If your original intention was peace, and peace did not feel supported by the circumstances, the opportunity to find peace beyond experiences is possible.
But how can this be done in the face of devastation? By maintaining gratitude, we keep the ground fertile for transformation, even in the face of intense pain. During heart-aching times, make an effort to practice gratitude for the good that is in your life, simultaneous to the challenge.
But what about the pain? By sitting with love in the pain, as the pain, with no fight or flight from the pain, this pain will shift through many layers. Back to the neutral void, the depth of peace below any control, the accountable peace within every situation is where you shall ultimately land.
These practices over and over, instead of the practices of blaming, complaining, revenging, and explaining, will take you into the awakened state. Here, all of the polarity of preferred and non-preferred planetary upheaval is seen through a fully different compassionate lens.
Your wholeness becomes available as love of love within the self. Love within leads to forgiveness. Forgiveness of self leads to more contentment. Contentment leads to much more satisfying relationships with others. Finding a way to feel whole is a long-term process when one's heart is broken. Seeking support and help is valuable.
Are you feeling that your heart can never mend? Is the pain too excruciating to bear? Practice of the above, over and over, will assist you well.
When you struggle against the Three of Swords consciousness, you are refusing to find your way through the non-preferred occurrence. You are trapped in blame, poor me, or resentment. This is to be expected at first.
In order to move forward, rather than fester in dissatisfaction, a choice has to be made. Focuses explained above, plus forgiveness, and full focus on positive living can take one back to the light. For those who like prayer, prayer assists.
The Three of Swords represents being so deeply brokenhearted from three angles that are so painful that the work-play of going inside yourself is the only way to benefit from such an experience.
Give love to any thought or emotion that is an expression of heartache.
Sit fully in love with the feelings in your heart, moving through the layers back into the neutral. If this practice is new to you please seek out professional support.