Three of Swords often comes up to indicate heartbreak, or infidelity. In its advice form, the card represents the need to be honest with others, but more importantly, oneself.
A lot of times, especially in relationship situations, we know that something does not serve us, but we are afraid to face the consequences of what it is like to let go. But in letting go, we allow ourselves to make room for what will be better for us in the long run.
If you are currently in a situation, where you are twisting yourself into knots trying to make something work with someone, ask yourself the question, “Is this serving me?" 99.9% of the time, things that drive us insane are not serving our best selves.
Sometimes we get so steeped in a situation's unhealthiness that we forget what healthy feels like, so we don't always take the time to step back and ask ourselves what we need. When we are in this diminished state, we sometimes settle for crumbs being thrown at us, for fast food emotions, rather than what deeply feeds our soul. This card is a reminder to take that step back.
Acknowledging the truth of such a situation isn't easy, but empowers you. It eventually makes you feel stronger, and able to see more possibilities.
Being honest takes authenticity, and it also takes the ability to have the courage to be vulnerable, with yourself and with others. When you take the time to ground yourself enough, when you speak your truth, you don't outsource your well-being onto the reaction of others. You are merely stepping up for yourself, and asking others to respect you in the process.
As for being honest with others, if you are in a relationship that you don't want to be in or you aren't ready for, admitting that to the other person helps both you and them in the long run. While the other person may be upset, it is up to you to play the long game, knowing that you are respecting their well-being.
If somebody was honest with you in the same manner, appreciate that person for not dragging you through the mud. I know this is hard when you have feelings, but again look at the scheme of things and think on resting, then moving ahead towards the kind of love you really deserve.