The Three of Swords is indicating the need for you to "break yourself open" in order to let the light in. Unfortunately, this process of "breaking open" can sometimes be very painful.
This card is asking you to trust that this place of anguish that you are currently in is actually taking you to a higher plane, helping you on the way to your greatest good. It may not feel like that in this moment, but rest assured, sweet soul, 'this, too, shall pass'.
Life is throwing balls at you from every direction: curve balls, fast balls and even fast curve balls - from the right, from the left, in front of you, behind you, raining down on your head! All you want to do is shout, "Enough already, I do not like this game."
Try to step back a little and look at everything from a different perspective. Try to just watch and when you feel more grounded, simply ask, "What can I do in this situation?" The answer will arise.
You may be experiencing a higher sensitivity. You may feel like your skin is on so tight you can barely move. Everything may feel painful, with no end in sight.
Please remember that the only constant there is in life is change. This will pass. Use your breath; breathe in peace and breathe out love. Take time out for yourself to heal the wounds, to let the light shine in. Get outside into nature. The earth will help soothe your soul.
It is also very important for you to practice forgiveness right now. This maybe be hard. You feel heartbroken and twisted in every direction. Find a way in your heart to forgive all those who have hurt you. This is your way through; forgiveness will set you free.
There is a light, there is hope. You will find both of them within yourself. This is an excellent opportunity for you to love yourself so much that all the hurt fades away. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. No one can do this for you. It's up to you. Choose love, choose You. A door may have just closed, but there is a window open nearby. Look for the light to lead you toward your perfect path.
Today's Meditation:
Find a quiet space, relax, and soften. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Bring your attention into your breath and the vibration of your heart.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "I am worthy. I deserve to be happy. I step into my power with love."
When your timer goes off, release your mantra and just be for as long as you can. Enjoy the way you feel.
Make a choice to carry this feeling with you for as long as you can. Make a game out of it; see how long you can carry it. You have the power!