The Three of Swords is never a positive card to have appear in a reading. It represents a serious disappointment, betrayal, heartache, and shattered hopes.
In the Rider Waite deck a heart is shown with three swords piercing it, one in the middle and two on either side. This symbolises that no matter from what perspective you try to look at a situation, there is no solace or consolation offered. The grey clouds represent emotional turmoil and the abandonment of hope.
In a love reading, this card is unequivocally a most dire omen. It signifies disagreements which escalated beyond all control, infidelity, betrayal and most obviously, literal heartache. The depiction of three swords often represents a third party interjecting themselves into the relationship and being the source of the strife.
The Three of Swords is not necessarily a fatal card for a relationship as three is not a number reflecting an ending but rather a number reflecting a brutal point of change. It shows that you have reached a crisis point and there is a choice whether or not to continue with the relationship. This card can also appear when there has been a miscarriage.
In a work and career context, this card can appear when your role is no longer satisfying you and it indicates the hindrance of a third party who is seeking to derail your efforts. It also reflects plans failing and allowing your personal life to interfere with your capacity to perform. It can sometimes reflect a workplace affair.
Positive Aspects: none
Negative Aspects: betrayal, grief, miscarriage, heartache, failure