Two of Swords

The decision you need to make is forcing you to face realities you can barely stand. For this reason, the decision has been put off, possibly partially unnoticed. While coming to terms with aspects of your life that are not as you wished, you are being pushed into new creative territory.

Ironically, it is in the facing of this painful set of dysfunctional realities, and making a choice to leave at least one behind, that you will eventually get to where you thought you were!

You are having to look at the difference between a fantasy you concocted about something and its reality. This could be a relationship of any type, money, career, or health. Whatever it is, it's not what you made yourself think it was. You have lived in a fantasy far past the disillusion evidence.

You may also have created an image about who you are to satisfy your own ego. Is it time to come to terms with the discrepancy between who you wish to be and what you really are? The sooner you come to peace with this, the more lovable you will find yourself to feel! You don't need to be anyone particular. You are really wonderful as is.

By compassionately loving your humanness, accepting you made an error, knowing this is all okay, you will be fine. The humility and embarrassment comes from standards you placed on yourself! The experience is quite normal among humans. Many would have tender compassion if they knew of this secret.

Were you trusting in a person or agency that has let you down? Time to let it all go? Did you tell others of your great fortune, now abashed that it was partially a sham? You are forgiven! Many others have done the same. It's really okay.

Face the grief, sorrow, anger, disappointment. Would you let go so as to have the space to now create what will fulfill you deeply? The bridge there will involve releasing what isn't serving you. Are you ready to make a bold decision to cut unhealthy ties?

If you have strayed from your path of discovery, you are so deep into hiding from your problem that there is barely a tunnel out. Look much more deeply to avoid worse problems.

The Two of Swords indicates that a swift goodbye to the lies in your life can set the foundation for the truth of love, prosperity and wellness you deeply seek. Face the truth so you can have all you desire further down the road. Looking back later, you will see how much your self-betrayal has prepared you for much better.


What am I fighting against? Can I look at it and let it go now? What must I do to prepare for a release?


What is my deepest wish? Focus on this.