This is a time of newly-generated beginnings. Listen to inspiration. Let the new ideas flow. Try out new ways.
Don't be concerned about the final outcome or form. That will come.
Now is the time to be a joyous baby.
Ideas may fire up from inside you. Potential new plans may suddenly be brought to your attention by others. Enjoy the freshness.
You have experienced many phases in your life. Here is another one that will unfold in surprising ways later. This new journey is nothing familiar. It is a gift to you. Now is the time to feel refreshed, rejuvenated, reborn in possibility.
This beginning can relate to any aspect of your life: wellness, love, prosperity, awakening. Practically put, it can indicate a new phase in better health, a new relationship or positive renewal in a current one.
This Ace could also mean a new home, a new job, a new source of money, a new spiritual teacher, a new friend, or a new beloved animal companion. The list goes on and on. This is the card of the sudden new.
For some, the card is picked when a new inner state is occurring. A chakra, state of consciousness, or viewpoint is opening. Don't try to understand it now. Simply be with it as it brings you to understanding in good time. You are at the beginning stage of an evolutionary development in your life. You are the baby being fed, not yet ready for any type of management.
Did you pray for something for a long time? It's here but it is coming in a different way than you anticipated.
If you are rejecting this path, you are blocking your own flow. You are stopping a new beginning with willful control, debilitating habits, misperception about what is available to you, or by trying to do things the old way. Look at what needs to be released.
The Ace of Wands is telling you that wonderful magic is in your life. This is the beginning! This is the fresh, promising, fortunate Unknown at play. Startup time!
Trust that it is fine to be opened-hearted, releasing all control, letting the positive flow guide you. You can always reject non-match details connected to this gift of life. However, let the essence of this gift surprise you. It is here for your joy and well-being. Be initiated by what is innocent and very young.
Note what is new. Enjoy!
Sit opened-hearted, releasing all control, letting the positive flow guide you. Be initiated by what is innocent and very young.