The Ace of Wands roars in with a creative force, Divine purpose, and pure ecstatic fervor! It is the essence of the Goddess Shakti in all her splendor!
This Ace represents creation, beginning, fortune, and adventure - your wildest dreams manifesting. The seeds are planted, taking root, and growing, growing, growing!
The Hindu Goddess Shakti is responsible for creation. She is the embodiment of the primordial cosmic energy, the influx for change.
She brings to you now, along with the Ace of Wands, your highest Self in your purest form. She reminds you that you too have this power within you and you need only focus your attention. Get excited and let the balls start rolling!
The Ace of Wands reminds you that you are the ruler, the creator of your world. Fire is the energy of creation. You hold in your hand your wand and with it you can do anything! Move with the flow of the universe and never worry about the outcome. Trust that all things will come to you for your greatest good! You are strong, fearless, and full of sexuality and beauty. You have unleashed the power of the kundalini, the life force energy that exists in us all. Time to stand up and take control of who you are and why you are here!
You are an infinite Being. Time to remember! This card urges you to tap into your latent creative juices and let them flow. There are no guidelines; you merely learn who you are and what works for you. However, in order to remember, you must allow yourself to grow, get bright and shine! You are a wealth of creativity - what will you do with it all?
If your question is regarding love, the Ace of Wands lets you know that a new beginning is on the horizon. The love of your life is coming in full force. Are you ready? Are you clear about what you want and have you opened your life to letting it in? If you are in a relationship, this card speaks of a renewed passion, a transformation into pure love!
If your question today involves your career, the time could not be better. Go for it! You are in the flow and you are surrounded by the angels and the universe is working for you to help make it all come true! You will find the success, the fulfillment you are seeking.
Maybe you have felt as though you are at a crossroads, unsure which way to go. Know in your heart what you want to do, and let go of what others expect you to do. Release doubt, think with your heart. Life is in taking the risk - jumping and letting the universe catch you. Find who you are and have fun with it. Find your Self and let the Ace of Wands excite you, ignite you with passion, and take you on the ride of your life!
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breath deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become defenseless, open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the mantra: "My power comes from within. I follow the guidance of my heart."
When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can. Be aware of how you feel, your strength, your power. Enjoy!