It feels like a match has been struck and a fire has been lit within you! You are finally beginning to feel clear again. Your passion and inner fire are coming back to you - there is excitement and eagerness in the air.
You may be feeling inspired at this time as your imagination and motivation is awakened. Expressing yourself creatively can bring new perspective into your life, helping you see challenges in a new light.
If you've been faced with a problem and can't seem to find a solution, take a break and lean into your inspirations. Your call towards self-expression could be your soul's way of telling you to take a break from your problems and immerse yourself in the things you enjoy.
When we surrender to our muse and get into a state of flow we are connected to source energy where all inspiration and answers await.
Following your bliss and connecting to your inner child as an outlet is a wonderful way to give yourself stress relief while opening you up to answers from the divine. Remember that you are always creating your reality and your imagination is the key.
The Ace of Wands calls for bravery and courage as a new chapter unfolds. Face your fears, and trust yourself that you have all the answers within.
Believe in yourself and have faith in your path. If you are feeling unsure of yourself, a confident mindset can go a long way. You will be surprised at the miracles you can accomplish when you trust in your magic and keep your focus on your goals.