Additional deck interpretation:
The Ace of Wands points you towards a path of inspired and creative self-development as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth. This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where your thoughts ignite a desire to reach new goals.
You have received the 'Gift of Fire' and feel compelled to start anew, choose a new direction, and charge forth in order to realize a new dream or venture.
The Aces are known as the "Controlling Cards" and they control your path. They point to the new beginning where you are headed, and indicate the birth of an idea that brings you into the "Waxing phase of the Moon" and the time of growth.
The Ace of Wands is associated with a turning point of change: a new opportunity, goal, or something might fall into your lap that you did not expect, something that brings you into a new beginning; or you receive the gift of fire to start a new beginning with determination and power because you want to expand.
When you receive the gift of fire and creativity, a thought manifests into a flame of action. The sleeping volcano of fire has awakened, filling you with a passion and desire that will guide you towards your destiny - to start something new that will be very important to you. This could be the birth of a fresh idea, inspiration, optimism, drive, creativity or initiative.
Numerical Number 1: The number 1 is related to the start of a new cycle and the time when a thought manifests into a flame of action. This is the time when you are ready to pull the trigger and start something new to live your dreams.
The Element of Fire: The Ace of Wands is associated with the combination of the planets Mars in Aries (determination to succeed), Sun in Leo (power to lead) and Jupiter in Sagittarius (expansion, growth and luck).
Probable Outcome: You got the the 'go ahead' to launch something new. The energy inside of you will burn hot, propelling you in a new direction, your new beginning.
Creative energy will pass through you like fire until you make a heartfelt decision about your direction. Then again, something unexpected might fall in your lap and ignite this new beginning with determination and power because now you want to expand, to explore a new opportunities.
For a man, this might be the time when the sperm will meet the egg and you will create a new life. For a woman, you might experience a pregnancy.
Possible Outcome: You got a 'stop sign' and are not being allowed to launch a new beginning. Or, maybe you are just not motivated or excited about starting anything new.
It's also possible that you are experiencing delays, or something is falling away from you that you did not expect.
For a man, this might be the time when you are not ready to let the sperm meet the egg and create a new life. For a woman, you might experience delays with getting pregnant.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Ace of Wand's energies into your life. If this is the case, you are probably in a phase of uncertainty and still have more planning to do before you are ready to kick start anything new.
Timing: The Ace Wands predicts that an important thought will be turned into action. This event may occur within 1-11 days or during the Waxing phase of the Moon.