Additional deck interpretation:
The Eight of Wands points you towards a path of swift action after delays or struggles as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you deliver or receive a message containing the results of a positive judgment that help you clear away impending struggles. Perhaps your creative juices start flowing again, or you decide to take a trip.
The Eight of Wands is called "The Judgement of Communication Card" and "The Cupid Card" in my deck.
The Judgement of Communication Card: The energy of swiftness is associated with this card. Events are happening right NOW regarding a personal or professional relationship, wherein different opinions have caused the impending struggle, or it might be crunch time to get something resolved that is weighing you down.
Then again, the phone might be ringing nonstop because events are happening now and you need to keep up and meet an important deadline, or you might have gotten the green light and know you are about to forge ahead with an important goal that is related to your dreams!
Probable Outcome: Good news is on the way that will be helpful: an email, text, phone message, conformation regarding travel plans, an invitation, a job interview.
Perhaps a difficult situation that had you spinning your wheels receives a positive judgment that helps you clear away impending struggles, or you get the green light to go ahead with a project that is important to you.
Possible Outcome: You might experience delays and continue with struggles, or you might receive an email, text, phone message that you are not going to like that sends you back to the drawing board regarding travel plans, an invitation, or a job interview
Perhaps you got a red light on a project that is important to you.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Eight of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you might need guidance to overcome a difficult situation.
The Cupid Card: Eros shoots his little love arrows into the hearts of the unaware who will merge with their beloved in a passionate erotic love relationship.
Cupid is associated with the arrows of love, but also the arrows of anger and jealousy. You get both sides of the coin with Cupid.
When Eros arrives, the love god could come as a teacher, or someone who inspires you, or someone who comes in your life to help you. Have you ever fallen in love with your teacher or a person who inspired you to live your dreams? What happened?
Probable Outcome: You might get swept off your feet and fall instantly in love, or you might receive or deliver a message regarding making up with and resolving problems with your lover.
Possible Outcome: You might receive a "Dear Jane or Dear John" message that you are not going to like, or end up abandoned with no closure, or are experiencing a relationship that makes you feel insecure, betrayed, angry or jealous. If you experience any of the above you met the arrows of anger and jealousy from Cupid.
If you got dumped, remember 'rejection is your divine protection'!
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Eight of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you might decide to move on because you are not willing to resolve the problems with your lover.
Numerical Number 8: This number is associated with using your power to make changes in order to achieve personal goals. You will see the bigger picture because you have the courage to ride the wave to success, or you will pull away and find a new wave to ride.
The Element of Fire: The Eight of Wands is associated with the planet Jupiter (luck), and the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. The combination of Jupiter in Sagittarius makes you take the leap of faith to succeed and not give up!
Timing: The Eight of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.