The Five of Wands suggests that obstacles may be showing up at every turn. It represents chaos and the constant unsettling changes that chaos brings.
This card urges you to release the need to struggle by shifting your perspective and allowing you to see your current roadblocks as opportunities to grow.
Cultivate a peace from within and allow life to take you where you want to go.
Take time to practice cultivating this peace within yourself. Become unshakable by learning or remembering how to sustain your peaceful center. Meditation and connection to the natural world are your keys. Pay close attention as well to what you are putting in your body and your sleep patterns. Both factors, when out of balance, make the ride so much more difficult to enjoy. Be good to your mind and body, self love is a practice, practice it every day.
A competitive edge may also be rising up inside of you. Feed this competitiveness in a healthy, productive way. Be aware of what is motivating you. Look to see how this aspect can lift you and those around you into raising expectations and moving into a direction that expands into growth for The Greater Good. This will lay healthy foundations and build camaraderie. Be aware of others, their feelings and rights. Climbing to the top does not mean climb over others, it means climbing with.
Let the accomplishments of others inspire you, not create jealousy. Be happy for everything. Create practices to strengthen your self-worth and confidence. You deserve to have it all, as does everyone else. There is enough for us all. There is no need to grasp; live in abundance and enjoy the ride. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Be fearless.
Sometimes life fills with chaos, like a boat rocking in the waves of life. These waves can be fun and add to the adventure or they can cause fear and panic to set in. The choice is yours. Will you choose to ride the waves of change and trust in the flow? Or will you resist, fight against the movement, and hold on to what appears to be the safety of solid ground?
The Five of Wands reminds you that the only constant is change. If you hold on to the shore, the waves of change will continue to crash over you until you surrender. There need be no struggle; simply let go, and know with all you are that all of this is happening FOR you. Ride the waves, let go of the need to control the outcome, and have fun.
Allow the child in you to remind you that life is meant to be fun. Make it fun, get playful, and recall that there is always a way through. You can relax into the flow and move with it. "You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn to surf!" The way to finding balance is to keep moving, keep following the guidance of your heart. It knows the way.
If your question is regarding your career, the Five of Wands is showing up to remind you to keep your head up, to move from your heart, to work with the people in your life. This is a good time to call on assistance from your angels and guides as well. Ask and you shall receive. Your angels and guides are here to help you, but you must ask for their help. Trust in your soul. You are moving in the direction of your heart's desires even though you cannot see it now. The best thing you can do is to offer up gratitude for what is coming and know with your entire being that this too shall pass. Trust that you are on path!
Today's Meditation:
Find your sweet, sacred space and step inside. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Soften, relax, be comfortable.
Bring all your awareness into your breath and the vibration of your heart, the love you are made of. Be still, and let stillness rise up from deep inside your soul.
Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the words; "I love you, You are enough, exactly as you are right now, and You are worthy of having all your dreams come true!"
Do this until your timer goes off, then just be stillness as long as you can. Enjoy the feelings and sensations, release all negativity and be love itself!