It's time to pause and reflect on how far you've come as well as where you want to go in the next chapter in your life.
The Four of Wands represents a stage in a relationship, project, decision or goal you are trying to accomplish.
It's about where you feel satisfied with progress made and are now in the process of gathering momentum.
What was once a dream (the Ace of Wands) that evolved into a plan (Two of Wands) and starting producing results (Three of Wands) is now not only gathering steam but is showing real potential for long term success (Four of Wands).The question is “do you have everything in place for what you want to do next?"
It may be that you are planning a project or something new and at the moment you are laying down the groundwork for how this will all fall into place for you. The Four of Wands is often portrayed as a joyous celebration, a gathering, a reward or surprise - the affirmation that all of your hard work has paid off and is now worthy of being celebrated.
But there's also emphasis here on gratitude and contentment alongside the satisfaction that comes from being at one with the Universe, in harmony with yourself and your surroundings. You may have been so caught up in accomplishing your goals that you haven't had time to appreciate the progress you've made.
The Four of Wands says it's ok to give yourself a chance to take a breather. It's ok to stop and smell the flowers. It's ok to step back and admire all of your efforts, knowing that they continue to gather momentum and will keep on going even if you decide to take a break.