Additional deck interpretation:
The King of Wands points you towards a path of becoming the leader-warrior, the bold decision-maker, as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when you develop courage and determination, taking the bit in your mouth and going as far as your imagination will take you in your efforts to reach your highest potential and achieve your ultimate goals.
The King of Wands is a courageous leader, bold, intimidating and responsible. He works hard and is the warrior who is ready to defend himself or others, always ready for surprises, but also ready to tackle a problem on a moment's notice.
He can refer to a person, an event, or a previously dormant facet of yourself that is urging you to step up to the plate and make a bold decision to overcome what is holding you back.
The King is a good person to be friends with especially when you are going through a rough patch or crisis. He will help you see your problems and point you in the right direction. If you push him to do something, he will get annoyed with you and tell you what he thinks. He rejects what holds him back and is very responsible. Since he is associated with the energies of fire, which cannot be confined, he needs his independence to feel at his very best.
The King of Wands refers to a significant person who will enter your life, an important event that will occur, or something unexpected that will surface. You might wonder why the King of Wands turned up in your reading! Is he trying to tell you something about yourself, or do you need to activate a part of yourself that has been dormant? Does the King come to tell you something about an important event that is surfacing that you will need to make a bold decision about?
Numerical Number 14: This number is associated with the time when you will feel motivated to be independent. Independence will lead you to success, but you will also need to modify and temper experimental behavior to achieve success and growth.
The number 14 consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 4 (cleansed and purified and ready to build a new foundation) = 5 (the unpredictable lifestyle change after you make a bold decision).
The Element of Fire: The King of Wands is associated with the planet Mars (determination) and the zodiac sign of Aries. The combination of Mars in Aries makes you the courageous pioneer, motivated and ready on a moment's notice.
Probable Outcome: You have decided to activate a previously dormant part of yourself so you can to make a bold decision.
You may be helping out a friend, family member or father figure who is going through a rough patch or crisis or are working with an authority figure, mediator, mentor, businessman, boss, supervisor, counselor or client
Perhaps you have taken a risk and entered into a new relationship, or started a sexual relationship.
You recently had an interview and are hoping to start a new job or new career.
Possible Outcome: You have decided not to activate a part of yourself (some facet that has been dormant that needed to be activated) to make a bold decision because you need more time to think things through.
You might be helping a friend, family member or father figure out who is going through a rough patch or crisis who is not listening to you and you might be losing your patience and are ready to walk away from the problem.
You have taken a risk and started a new relationship, or started a sexual relationship, but the relationship is not working out the way you thought and you might be close to ending it and cutting all ties.
You are working with an authority figure, mediator, mentor, businessman, boss, supervisor, counselor or client who gets on your nerves.
You might be on the verge of leaving your job or considering a new career.
Something unexpected might surface and you might need to deal with gossip, an open enemy, or make a bold decision to put the flames out on a difficult situation.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the King of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you have arrived at your limitations with others and you might say it the way you see it and not care about the consequences, or decide to cut the ties and start over because you will not allow others to hinder your growth.
Timing: The King of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.