If the Nine of Wands appears in your reading, it is a clear sign that events and the effects of circumstances have been piling up without ceasing and you have almost reached your breaking point.
You’re tired, care-worn, depleted, and you are sick of everything and everyone. You begin to feel quite cynical and begin to adopt a more guarded and apprehensive stance towards life.
The Nine of Wands often appears in the aftermath of a disagreement and indicates that one or both partners are suspicious and on their guard, alert to potential frictions and unjust accusations. In this regard it can signify intuition and knowledge borne of harsh experience.
In reference to personal relationships, the Nine of Wands can symbolise a person who is reluctant to let anyone into their inner circle. This caution is not because of paranoia; their concerns are justified because of previous incidents.
In work-related readings, this card indicates that your success will take a long and arduous path and you ought to be prepared that good results will take more time than you expect. It also warns that you must be aware of potential pitfalls and to be discriminating.
In a more physical sense, the Nine of Wands can signify injury and that a person’s internal vitality has taken quite a blow. The message here is to focus on replenishing personal reserves and building stamina.
Key words: Apprehension, fatigue, illness, intuition, suspicion