Additional deck interpretation:
The Nine of Wands points you towards a path of summoning up reserve willpower to finally attain your goal as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you arrive exhausted and battered near the end of your journey and find yourself facing yet another obstacle. It is crunch time once again and you have to use every last ounce of your strength so you can overcome this final crisis.
When another challenge springs out of nowhere, you are drained by this new setback, faced with another battle to fight. This card suggests that you need to use all your inner resources to get through this struggle without surrender. The situation may seem grim and tax your energy, but these battles cry out to be won.
The Nine of Wands suggests that you are at the point on your journey when you will not put up with someone else's nonsense. From your faith comes the courage and drive to win the battle.
Everything comes with a price tag and deep inside you know that you are close to winning and starting anew. At this time there is no retreat because you are not giving up. You will fight on and you will win!
Numerical Number 9: This number is associated with completion. You will move forwards to complete what you need to do in order to understand your situation. You are at the end of a cycle and the time of transition when you need to clear the deck and do whatever it takes to prepare for a new cycle.
The Element of Fire: The Nine of Wands is associated with the planet Mars (drive and determination) and the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. The combination of Mars in Sagittarius is restless and on edge!
Probable Outcome: You are experiencing a new setback that is draining your energies, but you will survive this struggle because you will rise to the challenge by being faithful to yourself, your morals and your beliefs. Your faith provides the courage and drive to win this battle and start anew.
There is no retreating at this point and you will take all necessary measures to clear the deck and do whatever it takes to prepare for a new cycle.
Possible Outcome: The projects you are working on are going to fail or be delayed. It's possible that you are not motivated, or you are not ready to take on another challenge because your energy level is very low.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Nine of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you will look for another solution instead of fighting. You will be open to other people's suggestions. However, if others in the group continue to battle and not work with each other, you will probably leave this group and look for another position.
Timing: The Nine of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.