The Page of Wands is innocent and curious. Granted with his life talents, gifts, and strengths, he is not yet sure about how to use them. He means well!
Though he will fall down a few times in the process, he will quickly get up with tranquility intact. He's ready to learn.
The Page of Wands consciousness is given to every child. New skills come innately. When and how to use them is not yet clear.
This Page feels like a breath of fresh air. His lack of self-consciousness is a virtue. He is happy to be alive. He inspires us all. His comfort with making a mistake gives us more comfort with our own shortcomings!
He helps everyone since burden, bitterness, and cynicism are not in his world. He has not been deeply burned or disillusioned. He trusts.
He make friends wherever he goes without trying. People, animals, and even insects gravitate toward him. His assurance, void of any arrogance, is comforting to everyone. He includes others as he has nothing to hide or compete about! He expects the good in others so this is what he receives from them.
The intention of people steeped in the Page of Wands energy is good! It's okay that they doesn't know how to best use their gifts. They are young at heart. Life expects everyone to experiment until they figure it out.
Because these Pages are self-motivated, humble, and curious, they will eagerly start the adventure. They will refine their skills immediately after any mistakes. They will experience wonderful outcomes from their willingness to try!
Do you feel happy to try something new? Do you feel all is well? Are you trying just because it feels natural? That is the Page of Wands consciousness. No ego, no pride, all life fondness.
When you ignore your own Page of Wands consciousness, you are manipulating circumstances. You will be unsuccessful. You have become very self-conscious and are avoiding any private or public tumbles. Get encouragement from anyone you trust.
It's okay to be new at something! Watch movies of baby elephants and other animal babies who are learning new skills. You may be inspired by their ease in learning, falling and getting up.
The Page of Wands is the card of your gifted, eager, willing, curious, innocent-child aspect.
Recall people who have inspired you with Page of Wands type consciousness.
Ask for inner guidance with your endeavors. Focus on your heart to receive.