The Page of Wands is a card about creativity and enthusiasm. It can also symbolize short messages and piqued interest in others.
When I pull it, more often than not this Wand points towards the need to focus on the power of intention in your life.
When I speak about intention, it is about making sure you are taking time to outline your wants and desires.
One of my favorite fiction authors said during a commencement speech to students, “Do those things that incline you toward the big questions, and avoid the things that would reduce you and make you trivial. That luminous part of you that exists beyond personality - your soul, if you will - is as bright and shining as any that has ever been. Bright as Shakespeare's, bright as Gandhi's, bright as Mother Teresa's. Clear away everything that keeps you separate from this secret luminous place. Believe it exists, come to know it better, nurture it, share its fruits tirelessly."
To truly get to the wants that align with your true self, you have to become aware of what those are, which means stepping back from everything in your life to create a space where you can ground yourself enough to hear what your soul wants without the influence of outside opinion.
I often tell my clients to read the book Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes. It's a beautifully written breakdown of female warrior myths and fairy tales. Even though at the outset it sounds like something that you'd read for class or something only for women, it is actually a very soulful guide on how to get back to your most wild self, no matter what gender.
Dr. Estes doesn't mean “wild" in the sense of being crazy, but “wild" in the sense of finding that part of you again that is untainted by the influence of your surroundings and others. Your authentic true self. The part of you that needs constant maintenance and nourishment to remain intact.
Being able to do discover your true self involves asking yourself the questions, "What do I want? What resonates with my soul?" Constantly asking these questions, helps us maintain our individuality and helps us go down a more healthy path.
It is smart to remember that sometimes what we want doesn't necessarily mean it's what's best for us. A good way to gauge whether or not something is for us is to listen to our gut. Does your heart feel open and determined in a healthy way? Or does it feel like you are running against a wall?
If you feel like you are frustrated and running against a wall, breathe, allow yourself time to just be, so you can again give yourself enough space for your intuition to kick in to guide you toward something else.
Sometimes great things are ignited by a small spark of interest towards something that people might blink at and miss. So do not dismiss natural inclinations towards anything. That is your individual self guiding you towards what is yours.