When the Page of Wands appears on your path you are filled with creative energy. You feel confident, as though you can create anything, anytime, anywhere. Adventure is in the air and it reminds you that you are alive.
The Page of Wands represents a faithful and loyal person whose intentions are for the greatest good. This card speaks of taking chances, rolling the dice and having the courage to reach for the stars! Spread your wings, it's time to fly!
The Page of Wands stands tall. She holds her head high, with strength and self-assurance. The world is but an illusion and the Page remembers that within spirit is where pure potentiality lies. She reminds you that what you focus your attention on shapes and creates your reality. Be mindful. Your thoughts become things. Choose them well!
This card prompts you to connect to your source, to remember where you come from, to remember that you are created in the likeness of the Divine, you are Divine and the worlds is yours to create. The Page of Wands releases the free spirit in you and requires you to follow your heart. Allow your spirit to exist without limitations. You are only bounded by that which you decide.
The possibilities are limitless if you free your spirit and let it shine. Your dreams are calling on you, it is time to open the door and walk through. There is nothing to fear, there is no such thing as failure, only the opportunity to grow and evolve!
There is a solid connection with nature and the natural rhythm of the earth when this card shows up. Get outside and walk in the earth barefoot, get grounded and allow yourself to unite with all the Mother Earth energy. Connect to the Gaia and remember that we are all parts of the whole and everything and everyone is connected. Use your creative force to shine out into the world.
When winter approaches the external light shines less, calling on our inner light to grow brighter and stronger. It is a time of tuning into and turning up your inner voice, to not only allow yourself to hear it but to trust it, to follow it. It is leading you to your heart's desires; it holds all the answers you seek.
Another aspect of the Page of Wands is to remind you to enjoy the process. This is a card that evokes your passion for living and loving life. Follow your heart; it knows the way.
I love getting this card; it reminds me that I am the co-creator of my life, that all things are possible and to have a blast with it all. Lately, I have taken a new perspective and this card just reinforces it. I no longer allow myself to see challenges and obstacles as problems to be solved, but as opportunities to expand and get big, bright and shine like the Goddess I am.
Are you allowing your Goddess or God to shine at their brightest? This card is your wake-up call. Time to play big. Show the world what you can do, who you are and do it with flare. Have fun and enjoy the ride.
Today's Meditation:
Find your sweet, sacred space, set a timer for 10 - 20 minutes, soften, and relax. Focus all your awareness on your breath and your heart, invite stillness in.
Silently to yourself, or out loud. repeat the mantra: "I follow the guidance of my heart."
When your timer goes off release the mantra, and be still for as long as you can. Enjoy the way you feel!