Additional deck interpretation:
The Page of Wands points you towards a path of emerging creativity as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where your initial dreams and plans are "tossed into the ring" with a creative spark that ignites your imagination, and with nurturing and development, an idea becomes solidified.
The Page of Wands is the messenger card and called "The Pony Express" card in my deck. The Pony Express delivers exciting or upsetting messages that will bring you into new beginnings, but also endings.
This Page can refer to a person, an event, or a part of yourself. Some facet of yourself that has been dormant may be activated to enable you realize your dreams, or new people and new experiences may suddenly appear in your life.
When the Pony Express shows up in your reading, a new door will open and lead you into new adventures. It could also indicate the time when you are ready to live in the moment because you now have a passion for living, the time when you will see everything as new and fresh.
All the Tarot Pages are related to the beginning of a journey when they are crossed by a positive card. Anything is possible when the Page of Wands appears in your reading.
You might be on the verge of exploring new ventures because you are ready to take the risk. You are no longer fumbling around in the dark or plagued by fears and doubts, rather you feel like an ignited missile on a new exciting journey to experience the world.
You may make new friends, start new relationships, or get involved with new activities. You might be ready to let your hair down, reinvent yourself, or throw away the old part of you that was not really living life. Just make sure you think these new opportunities through before you leap into anything.
Numerical Number 11: This number is associated with insight, new beginnings or completion of a situation. It indicates the time you are looking for truth, or when you will learn a revelation of a secret, or have a karmic experience (the universal law of cause and effect).
This number is also associated with the Master Teacher who balances karmic situations. Number 11 = 2 and represents making the right choice, which is not easy to do all the time. But, making the wrong choice could result in a karmic situation when you throw yourself into something without thinking it through.
The Element of Fire: The Page of Wands is associated with the elements of fire, represented by the planet/sign combinations of Mars in Aries (determination), Sun in Leo (power to lead), and Jupiter in Sagittarius (expansion, growth and luck).
Probable Outcome: You might receive an exciting message (letter, email, text, phone message) that is associated with a new opportunity for growth such as a job interview, career change offer, educational experience or connecting with a teacher, mentor or coach.
You might start a new venture, or perhaps a reliable friend or romantic interest will show up in your life and you might feel like an ignited missile beginning a new exciting journey.
You might decide to get involved with new activities, or it might be time when you are ready to let your hair down, or reinvent yourself, or throw away the old part of you that was not living life and start anew.
Possible Outcome: You might receive a message, that you are not going to like, that makes you feel cautious or uncertain regarding your journey.
You may receive bad news regarding a hoped-for opportunity for growth (job interview, career change, educational experience, connecting with a teacher, mentor or coach, or starting a new venture).
Or you might receive an unexpected message (the box of unexpected dark chocolates) regarding: a rejection, break-up or hurtful rumor; a hidden enemy who is trashing your reputation; an undependable friend who lets you down once again.
If you receive bad news, or get dumped, always remember that rejection is your divine protection! As stated by Mary Oliver, Poet and Pulitzer Prize Winner, "Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift."
Then again, you may not be able to channel the Page of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, you are not ready to start anything new (including relationships), or take any risks. You might be ready to end a personal or professional relationship and send a very upsetting message to someone else.
Timing: The Page of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next may occur in 1-11 days.