The Queen of Wands appears on your path today as an affirmation. She represents a fierce power tempered by intuition and love.
This card indicates strength, inspiration and energy, as well as indicating esteem, creativity, and believing in the path.
The Queen of Wands is in the world, not of it! She holds the power and grace to enchant one and all. She knows who she is and what she wants.
This Queen is elegant from the inside out because she knows she is a beautiful Being created in the Divine likeness. She knows of her power and how to use it with love.
The Queen of Wands is focused and on path. She feels the connection to everyone and everything. She is true to herself and knows that her greatest good is equal to the greatest good of all.
This card shows up at exactly the perfect moment, letting you know you are right on path. You were sure you knew the way and this is your affirmation. Your energy is high and your creative force is set to open throttle. Go, baby, go!
You are being reminded to stay grounded and connected to those you love and to those who love you. They are here for you right now. Bounce ideas off of them and see where they go. You are inspiring and your energy fills others with new light. Allow yourself to not only give but to receive as well.
Today you may find that your thoughts are clearer than you remember them being in a long time. You may find that your focus does not drift like it once did, and you may find that you no longer worry about anything. You have the deepest trust in your soul and you know that you are heading in the direction of home.
You are encouraged to find the joy in everything you do, to find the pure ecstasy in it all. Say yes to all of life and see the deliciousness that it has to offer. You are free of limitations, you are free of the heavy weight, you are free to fly. Spread your wings!!
This card speaks to new love and passion heading your way, You have gone through the darkness and the pain, you are now open to the light of love unlike anything you ever remember experiencing. Let go of everything you think you know and dive in with all you are. Choose love and allow the love to choose you. You are going to like - no, wait - you are going to love what you find!
This is your time, right here, right now! You are the Queen of it all and you have the magic within you! Can you feel it? What do you want? All things are possible, so get big and enjoy the process! You are the Queen of Wands!
Waa Hoo!
Today's Mediation:
Find your sweet, sacred space and step inside. Set a timer for 10 -20 minutes. Bring your awareness into your breath and your heart. Soften and relax. Invite stillness to take over. Allow your thoughts to drift by like clouds and just be in the moment with all your heart.
Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the words: "I love and honor the temple that is my body. My beauty radiates from deep inside my soul."
When your timer goes off just be still as long as you can. Enjoy the feelings and sensations that move through you. Hold nothing tight, just flow with your breath, like a wave of possibilities.