Seven of Wands is a card for boundaries, declaring who you are, and a card for sticking up for yourself and what's right.
Let's start off with the last bit. Oft times we find ourselves in situations with people whose voices are louder than ours. Sometimes those people aren't treating us properly or perhaps they aren't treating others properly.
It's easy to want to pass some things off to someone else to take care of, or pacify certain situations with silence, because ruffling feathers or putting yourself in the position of potentially being argued with or being unlikable is hard. Sometimes the only way to make a change is to call out what needs to be made right. It's the first step before finding the solution for forward motion and progress. Otherwise, you end up living under the thumb of someone or something else.
If someone is doing something that is bothering you, you don't need to act hastily. Take a moment to collect your thoughts, then speak your truth, or the truth of the situation clearly, confidently and concisely. In doing so, you are declaring who you are.
When you are silent, people can sometimes assume you agree with everything they say. If you don't, speak up - on your behalf, on behalf of someone else. If you are afraid to do it in person, do it in email. Just make yourself clear.
When this card talks about boundaries, it means to be clear that you need to draw a line in the sand so that you can concentrate on what you need to concentrate on. Or perhaps you just need to draw a line with some guy or gal who doesn't get the hint with you.
Anything or anyone that is toxic to your well-being, anything or anyone that is throwing you off marching towards your best self or the best situation for you, needs to fall away. Most likely your gut is already telling you these things, but your tendency to please others may be getting in the way.
You don't have to feel guilty about shedding impediments. You don't have to be mean about it. Just look at it as an act of self-respect, concentrating on your own needs. Learning the art of saying “no," especially doing so without explaining yourself, is an excellent, empowering thing. Draw a boundary where one is needed. Again, it's another opportunity to declare yourself.