The Six of Wands is a great card, in my opinion, symbolizing success and reassurance. It can also symbolize attention-seeking.
As advice though, it talks about FOCUSING on bringing about your success.
A lot of us get sidetracked by making comparisons of where we are in respect to where others are. Jealousy is an easy emotion to feel, especially in the age of Facebook and Instagram, where people seem to be broadcasting their happy experiences often.
In respect to where you are in life, though …
If you have not quite reached your goals yet, remember, as my one friend told me years ago, to STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE. There is room for everyone's success. Don't forget that good things take time to come about.
When you realize that you should take your time and not rush, then you will have the space to be happy for others when they have their successes, all while carrying the confidence that you will eventually reach your goals.
All you can do with your goals is persist, and to make sure you are filling up your well with things that inspire you. The results are coming; keep going.
As far as attention-seeking goes …
Sometimes we find ourselves caught up in romantic situations where we don't quite realize that we like a person because of the attention they are paying to us, and not actually because we value them. Sometimes we find ourselves caught in the position where we are the ones giving the attention.
In either situation, make sure you are asking yourself if someone is only seeking you out for attention purposes. It is a much more satisfying position to be part of an exchange with somebody where there is a deep connection on all levels. These are the kinds of relationships that nourish the soul.
Attention-seeking relationships are fast food, so be respectful to yourself and hold out for something real. It's out there.