The Six of Wands represents triumph, advancement, and desires realized! This is a card of good news, positive energy, and change for the better.
Six is a number of balance and this card represents balance restored or renewed.
There is cause for celebration; all the hard work has paid off! Your thoughts have manifested into your reality and you are reaping all that you've sowed!
The Six of Wands brings with it the joy of reaching for your dreams and succeeding. It reminds you that through your confidence, dedication, and willingness to move with the flow, you can overcome all obstacles and create from within anything you want.
It has been a long road, with many obstacles, as well as opportunities to grow. There have been many times when you felt as though you were not going to make it. There have been times when you thought of letting go of your dreams because they seemed too hard, too big and too unrealistic. But you didn't; you held tight, you kept going, and you created in your mind and in your heart the reality you want in this physical world.
This card not only represents all your hard work but it also represents all the faith you have in yourself, in the universe, in the Divine! It is a card of self-realization at its finest! You have created, manifested, and now it is time to be wrapped in total joy.
Bask in the joy of it all, and if your desires have not yet been realized, rest assured, they are close to fruition. Remember to offer up gratitude, to feel it in your heart, and to not allow pride and ego to take hold. You are reminded that you are on path, that the work you do is for the good of everyone, and it is far from over. Follow the joy where it leads you, with confidence and free spirit!
If there is a question of love in your heart, the Six of Wands bodes well for you. It brings with it good news and a joining together romantically. Be confident and trust in your inner voice, your Divine connection - it is guiding you on your path. Magic is in the air, and in order for it to manifest, you must know in your heart that it will be so. Trust in the power of love, in the power of the universe. You are in good hands!
The Six of Wands reminds you that nothing is to big for the universe to provide, and that all of your dreams can and will come true if you let them!
Another aspect of this card is that whenever you create and shine your light as big as you can, you have an opportunity to show the whole world what is possible. How will you choose to shine your light, that is already so bright, today? How will you choose to give, as well as receive?
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breath deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become defenseless, open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the mantra: "The Universe is abundant, and abundance is my natural state of Being."
When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can. Feel the abundance surround you, see the beauty in it all. Enjoy!