Additional deck interpretation:
The Six of Wands points you towards a path of self-confidence, self-belief, success and receiving recognition and support from others as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you discover that hard work and believing that all things are possible will result in attaining the 'Crown of Hope' and achieving a personal victory that is very important to you.
When you wear the "Crown of Hope" you start to believe that you can accomplish anything. You are tuned in and can see the beauty in a self-fulfilling goal. You are able to see the finish line of a hard-earned personal victory.
The Six of Wands suggests you paid your dues and are now receiving validation for a job well done. You are finally supported and appreciated by the group you are working with, or supported by the people who are close to you. With this victory comes more responsibility and you need to remember the people who supported you and how far you have come.
Success comes after encountering the rose thorns and some stinging events along the way. Your victory is not a triumph over someone else, but a victory for which you deserve considerable recognition because you did not step on someone's toes to succeed.
You are at a point where your self-esteem is high and you feel good about yourself and what you have accomplished.
Numerical Number 6: This number is related to harmony and connecting with the right relationship, or reconciling a situation and restoring harmony.
The Element of Fire: The Six of Wands is associated with the planet Jupiter (expansion and good luck) and the zodiac sign of Leo. The combination of Jupiter in Leo provides wisdom to transform, expand and grow.
Probable Outcome: You are wearing the "Crown of Hope" and believe that you can accomplish anything because you are confident and can see the finish line and what you will achieve when you cross it!
You are successful and victorious after working hard, making sacrifices and suffering many painful events during your journey. You have reached the stage of being lavishly praised for all your previous efforts and deserve considerable recognition.
This achievement could be associated with an upturn in public recognition related to your social arena, or could indicate you are supported and appreciated by the group you are working with, or supported by the people who are close to you.
You might receive a raise or a long-overdue promotion.
You might publish your first book, experience a successful book signing, or there might be an article published about your accomplishment.
Possible Outcome: Your self-esteem might be low, or you might doubt yourself. You desire to follow through with your personal achievements, but they are delayed until a later date, until you find the 'Crown of Hope' by raising your confidence level and being able to see that it is possible to achieve anything.
You are still working on an upturn in public recognition related to your social arena, or you are working on being supported and appreciated by the group you are working with or being supported by the people who are close to you.
You are working hard to receive a raise or a long-overdue promotion.
You are writing your first book, or you might be writing an article that will published at a later date.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Six of Wands energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you are experiencing too many challenges and having a hard time staying positive. You still have more work to do and need to take baby steps and work on one thing at a time so you do not feel overwhelmed.
Timing: The Six of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.