The Three of Wands represents new horizons opening to the querent. This is the card which symbolises a well-executed plan beginning to bear initial fruit and it is an excellent omen of commerce and enterprise.
Frequently this card predicts overseas travel, an influx of job opportunities, the determination to succeed and seek new pastures. It encourages the querent to expand their avenues in their quest for success but also predicts that unexpected offers from overseas may well soon make an appearance.
Alternatively it can foretell travel overseas, potential relocation overseas, international trade, or travel with a love interest.
In the Rider Waite deck a solitary figure stands on the precipice of a cliff watching a fleet of ships approaching port. He looks on with serene satisfaction as the efforts of his meticulous planning and hard work begin to take shape. This imagery is representative of initial success and blossoming enterprises.
In a love reading the Three of Wands can allude to many things. It can indicate overseas travel with your beloved, taking your relationship to the next level, excellent teamwork skills or joint business interests. In a negative manifestation, the Three of Wands can indicate that your person of interest has more than one iron in the fire when to comes to romance. They may have initiated connections with others and they are waiting to see which "ship" can bring in the best offer. Ships are traditionally referred to as being female and are given feminine names and it is for this reason one may interpret the fleet of ships as a collection of female admirers.
In a work and career reading the Three of Wands is a rather encouraging sign. It signifies that your plans and work will begin to do well. You probably have a good team behind you and will possibly gain the attention of customers and associates overseas, or you may need to travel for your work or business. In some cases it may foretell that you will live an itinerant lifestyle and will be able to work from your laptop, anywhere in the world. It can also suggest a relocation overseas.
If this card appears as an obstacle, it may be advising you that you ought to expand your reach and perhaps consider setting up a website so that customers from further afield can be reached.
Positive Aspects: teamwork, initial success, offers from overseas or overseas trade, relocation, itinerant lifestyle and freedom, expanding business, growing commerce
Negative Aspects: a lover with many options, not expanding one's horizons