The World
Planet: Saturn.
Positive associations with this tarot card: fulfillment, completion, satisfaction, joy, wholeness, success.
Negative associations with this tarot card: stagnation, lack of will, impatience, delays.
The World heralds the arrival of your heart's desire, whatever that may be, a time of achievement, recognition, success and triumph.
This card signals a time of enjoyment, of holidays and travel, time with loved ones, a fulfilling relationship is on offer and spoiling yourself with the material things you've been wanting.
The World also marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
Negatively, The World points toward delays and that you may still need to overcome some challenges before you suceed, so don't give up so close to the finish line.
Don't be lacking in vision or feel insecure, success will soon be yours.
The Practical Exercise
Take all 22 of the Major Arcana cards and shuffle them, think of a question you would like to ask and then pick 3 cards.
Put the 3 cards in front of you. Write the names of the cards in your notebook.
Card 1: Reflects your current situation, what card is it? What do you think and feel it's telling you? Write your thoughts and feelings in your notebook.
Card 2: Is the advice the cards are giving you, what do you think that is? Again write your thoughts in your notebook.
Card 3: Is the outcome the cards are giving you, what is it? Yep that's right, write it in your notebook.
Try it again! And again! And again!