The Hanged Man
Element: Water.
Planet: Neptune.
Positive associations with this tarot card: transition, flexibility, rebirth, deliverance, release.
Negative associations with this tarot card: materialism, inflated ego, lack of willpower, easily influenced, martyrdom.
The Hanged Man symbolizes self-sacrifice, whether that be material or emotional, an ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
This card can represent a time of limbo or a pause in life until something or perhaps someone is given up for greater gain.
The Hanged Man can represent ill health, stress and anxiety, this is a time for patience and not worry.
This card represents a trial of passage and hence the self-sacrifice aspect of this card has spiritual overtones.
Negatively The Hanged Man symbolizes selfishness, the use of emotional blackmail by playing the martyr.
Another negative aspect of this card is that a weakness of will may lead you in a wrong direction, materially, emotionally and lead to missed opportunities.