The numbered cards 1 to 10 of the Suit of Pentacles - Part II

ten of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

- Earth
- positive: security, wealth, recognition
- negative: greed, self-obsession, superficiality

2 of Pentacles

- Harmonious Change
- positive: changing fortunes, journeys, foresight
- negative: distractions, inconsistency, impending trouble

3 of Pentacles

- Material works
- positive: recognition, teamwork, prosperity
- negative: delays, critisism, bitterness

4 of Pentacles

- Earthly power
- positive: contentment, emotional and material security
- negative: greed, indecision, material obsession

5 of Pentacles

- Material trouble
- positive: none
- negative: financial loss, unemployment, hard times

6 of Pentacles

- Material success
- positive: charity, prosperity, balance
- negative: loss, careless money management

7 of Pentacles

- Success unfulfilled
- positive: perseverance, sustained effort, eventual success
- negative: failed opportunities, despondency, self induced money problems

8 of Pentacles

- Prudence
- positive: change in fortune, craft skills, satisfaction
- negative: lack of direction, squandered opportunities

9 of Pentacles

- Material gain
- positive: material success, achievement, solitude
- negative: devious means, financial instability

10 of Pentacles

- Wealth
- positive: inheritance, wealth, family ties, emotional security
- negative: financial problems, family restrictions

Practical Exercise for this week

You can now practice the 3 card reading with the entire deck, minus the court cards. Remember to keep making notes in your notebook as you practice.