Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Lovers

You want love or a new love in your life and a new relationship is in the offering. Even if you are not thinking about love, you're in for a surprise.

If faced with a choice it is an important one and could affect the rest of your life.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Emperor

The Emperor in this position suggests that what you most want at this time is success and achievement, and the support and influence of perhaps your father, husband/partner or another man of significance in your life who you believe could help.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Hierophant

Are you really your best counsel? Probably not at this moment in time.

You are worried that you will sell yourself short and agree to something that you don't feel morally comfortable with. For example you may really desire marriage but the offer has been 'let's live together'. You may be looking at a job or business opportunity but you question how ethical it is.

Seek out an advisor you can trust such as a teacher, priest, parent or anyone you have respect for. They will be happy to help.

Card 4:   What is going for you »


A time of absolute endings and brand new beginnings, your life is going through a period of great transformation.

Whilst change may be difficult, or even painful, you will pull through.

You will be free for a brand new phase in your life.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

Wheel of Fortune

A run of bad luck here, perhaps already evident or there are certainly signs that things are not going your way.

The responsibility of important decisions weighs heavy with you where there are choices to make. Trust your intuition, and even if you have to make the painful decision to give up something in order to move on, then have the courage to do it.

Trust that The Wheel of Fortune constantly turns and whilst it may be against you at the moment, it will in time turn and bring you good fortune.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Magician

This is a period of positive action with great potential. You are full of self-belief, feeling very empowered and will have the ability to think on your feet.

The Magician is an excellent omen for success: it's time to show everyone exactly what you're made of.

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