Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Star

You feel there is hope, or if you don't, have faith - a tranquil period is imminent. If you have been ill, suffered bereavement or disappointment in love, take heart, good fortune is on its way. New horizons are indicated and you will feel a new zest for life.

This is your wish card - if considering a new love affair, new job or career, or travel, then go for it. You may also receive a gift or gifts!

Card 2:  What you want most right now »


The appearance of Temperance suggests you are craving some peace and harmony, a sense of control and wish to feel that life is flowing again. Perhaps you have been, or are currently going through some tough times regarding a relationship, financial worries or some other kind of loss.

Take heart that peace will be restored - this is a time for you to be calm and patient and life will soon have a sense of normality again.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Sun

You are afraid that things seem too good to be true, so much pleasure and joy - well enjoy it, sometimes we can be pleasantly surprised!

If you have been unwell this is a time of rejuvenation and good health. Perhaps you are afraid that things won't actually get better - have faith you are about to enter a happy and pleasurable time.

The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Moon

Despite the fear and bewilderment you feel, and the seeming difficulty of the path you have chosen, keep going - all will eventually turn out fine.

The Moon is a good omen if you are in a clandestine affair; it also shows us how to be open to new and unexpected possibilities.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The Devil

It's like you're in a drug-induced haze - it feels great and always leaves you wanting more.

This is addiction pure and simple, whether it's an obsessive sexual relationship, money deals that are too good to be true, materialism at any cost or recreational drugs.

Take care - these pursuits won't lead to a happy ending.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Fool

Open your mind and soul to new possibilities.

This is a time to realise your full potential, follow your instincts and act on your hunches - a time for spontaneity, fun and surprises.

However, be mindful of being too impulsive. Your decisions should be based on experience and knowledge of self.

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