Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The High Priestess

You are very aware of the feminine power within, intuitive and conscious at a spiritual level, looking for guidance and answers, a secret to be revealed. You desire a wise guide to help address your questions, and your intuition is just that.

If you are male, the appearance of The High Priestess can represent a woman who you care for very much and who truly inspires you.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »


The Death card suggests that what you most want at this time is absolute change, to end what you no longer want and start anew.

You may desire to transform your career or your love life, perhaps your whole lifestyle in general. However radical such changes might be, embracing them will help you grow in wisdom and experience.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Emperor

You are sensing that success is just around the corner but it feels elusive, just out of reach. You may be concerned that the support and help you want from your father, husband/partner or another man of significance in your life won't materialise.

Trust and ask for the help you need, and success will be yours.

Card 4:   What is going for you »


There is a karmic power to the Justice card, reward for the good deeds you have done in the past.

This is a period of good luck even if you don't know why you are being so favoured.

You will approach any issues concerning relationships or business affairs with calm, balanced logic and any claim will go in your favour.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The Hierophant

You are simply struggling to conform to others expectations of you and everybody has an opinion of what you should do.

Perhaps you are having a crisis of faith and are unsettled at a very spiritual level. Ask yourself who you really are. What is important to you? What makes you happy?

Seek out advice or wise counsel if you wish, but accepting who you really are and going after what you want instead of what others want for you is the most important.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Lovers

Love is coming into your life even if you really can't see where from at this time.

If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your life.

If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to make - go with your heart, take the risk. Greater happiness is ahead of you.

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