Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Lovers

You want love or a new love in your life and a new relationship is in the offering. Even if you are not thinking about love, you're in for a surprise.

If faced with a choice it is an important one and could affect the rest of your life.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The World

You're most likely looking for a successful conclusion after all your hard work and the arrival of The World in your reading here suggests that's either happening now or just around the corner.

This is a time for completion and satisfaction, the final chapter is here and now - you've done your best and won through.

Card 3:   Your fears »


You are fearful of lacking the willpower and strength to deal with someone or something that concerns you.

Feeling negative and listening to all your fears will only create failure and lost opportunities. Be as brave as a lion but work compassionately and you'll be fine.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Hanged Man

With patience this passive time, this time of feeling in limbo and indecision, will pass and then you will know what decisions to make, what or who to let go of and how to move on.

Whatever self-sacrifice you have to make, you will feel a better and stronger person for it.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The Star

This is a period of tension and frustrations: you feel pessimistic and fearful that your hopes will be dashed.

Any bad luck you may be having is primarily down to your self-doubt and negativity.

Have faith that your luck will change.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Hierophant

Help is at hand. If you want wise counsel and moral guidance put your trust in someone you have a lot of respect for.

Don't allow others to influence you too much with what they want you to conform to - be true to yourself.

When considering your options, go with tried and tested traditional values, rather than the unconventional novel approach. For example, marriage is more likely to be your desire than a living-together situation.

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