Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Emperor

You feel that success and achievement are on their way to you. A man of significance will provide his support, perhaps your father, husband/partner or boss - whoever it is, he will give you steady support.

You feel confident and able to influence people and events, as you have a great sense of your own authority. Expect promotion at work or achieving greater status in life.

If you have been a victim of ill will, be assured that you will win in the end.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Sun

The Sun suggests that what you most want at this time is some joy and pleasure in your life, perhaps a long-needed holiday in the sun to re-charge your batteries.

You may have been through a period of challenges or a time of limbo and inactivity. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and the possibility of good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Fool

You are afraid of making the wrong decisions. There is a warning here that foolhardy, impetuous actions could lead to major problems.

Perhaps you feel that you don't have control over a situation, either personal or professional. You may feel unable to complete a task or stay in a current relationship and fear the consequences of your decisions. Perhaps you know deep down that what you want isn't really such a good thing.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Chariot

Drive, drive, drive, that's what's going for you. You certainly aren't a quitter.

The appearance of The Chariot tells of conflicts ending in victory, so don't give up. Battle on and you will succeed.

This is a time of movement and change. Expect a journey relating to work, and if you've had your eye on that car, it will soon be yours.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The Devil

It's like you're in a drug-induced haze - it feels great and always leaves you wanting more.

This is addiction pure and simple, whether it's an obsessive sexual relationship, money deals that are too good to be true, materialism at any cost or recreational drugs.

Take care - these pursuits won't lead to a happy ending.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Moon

Whilst you are confused and fearful and allowing your anxieties to hold you back, trust that all will turn out well in the end.

Things may seem tough or confusing but stick with it, it's right for you.

The Moon is a good omen if you are in a clandestine affair and helps guide you to open your mind to new and unexpected possibilities.

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