Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Chariot

You feel everything is a constant battle at the moment, but persevere and you will triumph in the end. Expect some good news that will help you to keep going until you achieve your goals.

This is a time of movement and change and of conflicts ending in victory. You may well consider a journey that relates to work or go for that new car you've been looking at.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Devil

The cards suggest that what you most want at this time you can't have, and like the forbidden fruit this only makes it all the more tempting. Alternatively you know you could go for something, but it would be a bad choice and you'd be doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Yes, you want passion and gratification - just be careful where you go looking for it.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Hermit

You are worried about being on your own and afraid of loneliness, and you simply don't know what to do. Take the time to relax and eventually you will have the answers.

The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions, so try not to get too stressed, and if you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation.

Card 4:   What is going for you »


A time of absolute endings and brand new beginnings, your life is going through a period of great transformation.

Whilst change may be difficult, or even painful, you will pull through.

You will be free for a brand new phase in your life.

Card 5:   What is going against you »


Things just aren't going your way

Even if you are in the right or the victim of foul play you won't win this one.

Take care of whose advice you take and beware of being motivated solely by self-interest.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »


Courage and self-belief is what you need to succeed. You may already feel overflowing with these, and if so there's no doubt you will achieve what you want with your career, finances and love life.

If you are feeling negative, look inward for that strength and courage, you know you are capable of having self-belief and you'll reap great rewards.

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