Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Emperor

You feel that success and achievement are on their way to you. A man of significance will provide his support, perhaps your father, husband/partner or boss - whoever it is, he will give you steady support.

You feel confident and able to influence people and events, as you have a great sense of your own authority. Expect promotion at work or achieving greater status in life.

If you have been a victim of ill will, be assured that you will win in the end.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Empress

The cards suggest that at this time you desire comfort, security and happiness and may well need some emotional support and reassurance.

If you are considering having a baby the desire will be very strong at this time, or perhaps you are already pregnant and you have some concerns. If male, perhaps you are considering fatherhood with someone but have concerns.

Things will turn out fine, just know that you are loved and that there are people around you who care.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Lovers

Someone's heart is ruling their head! You are so afraid of being hurt you are remaining paralyzed in non-action.

To have or not to have? To stay or to go? Throw caution to the wind - great happiness awaits you if you can trust what you feel and ignore the fear and do it anyway.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Star

A wish come true, this is a time of good luck and fortune, perhaps after a period of struggle and heartache.

Good health, possibly after a time of illness, and good fortune will give you a new zest for life.

If considering a new love affair, new employment, a career change, or you wish to travel, then go for it.

You may also receive an unexpected gift!

Card 5:   What is going against you »

Wheel of Fortune

A run of bad luck here, perhaps already evident or there are certainly signs that things are not going your way.

The responsibility of important decisions weighs heavy with you where there are choices to make. Trust your intuition, and even if you have to make the painful decision to give up something in order to move on, then have the courage to do it.

Trust that The Wheel of Fortune constantly turns and whilst it may be against you at the moment, it will in time turn and bring you good fortune.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Chariot

Conflicts ending in victory!

Keep charging ahead - this is a time of change, travel and success if you stay committed to achieving your goals.

A journey relating to work is imminent and if you've had your eye on that new car it will soon be yours.

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