Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Star

You feel there is hope, or if you don't, have faith - a tranquil period is imminent. If you have been ill, suffered bereavement or disappointment in love, take heart, good fortune is on its way. New horizons are indicated and you will feel a new zest for life.

This is your wish card - if considering a new love affair, new job or career, or travel, then go for it. You may also receive a gift or gifts!

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Emperor

The Emperor in this position suggests that what you most want at this time is success and achievement, and the support and influence of perhaps your father, husband/partner or another man of significance in your life who you believe could help.

Card 3:   Your fears »

Wheel of Fortune

You are in fear of everything taking a turn for the worst. Perhaps you are experiencing a run of bad luck. You have to trust that most of what we fear never happens and just as The Wheel of Fortune turns downwards against you, it will naturally turn upwards again and bring new good fortune with it.

This difficult phase will pass.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Moon

Despite the fear and bewilderment you feel, and the seeming difficulty of the path you have chosen, keep going - all will eventually turn out fine.

The Moon is a good omen if you are in a clandestine affair; it also shows us how to be open to new and unexpected possibilities.

Card 5:   What is going against you »


If you allow fear to stop you from taking a chance or a new possibility then you will lose out.

Do not ignore the new opportunities being presented to you - a decision, new job or relationship could change your life for the better. Do not refuse change when change at this time is vital - feel the fear and do it anyway.

Outcomes may well be delayed. However, this is a time for positive action and not passiveness.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Chariot

Conflicts ending in victory!

Keep charging ahead - this is a time of change, travel and success if you stay committed to achieving your goals.

A journey relating to work is imminent and if you've had your eye on that new car it will soon be yours.

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