Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »


You feel this is an end to an era or at least a certain phase of your life - you are taking stock and looking where you want to go from here.

This ending is not one for regret but for rejoicing. Soon you will enjoy the rewards for your past efforts.

As with any period of endings, many opportunities will present themselves and the choice that you make will have far-reaching implications that could change your life dramatically.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Empress

The cards suggest that at this time you desire comfort, security and happiness and may well need some emotional support and reassurance.

If you are considering having a baby the desire will be very strong at this time, or perhaps you are already pregnant and you have some concerns. If male, perhaps you are considering fatherhood with someone but have concerns.

Things will turn out fine, just know that you are loved and that there are people around you who care.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Magician

If there's a new man in your life you are probably asking yourself if he can be trusted. Or perhaps this is a man of influence in your life, a boss or adviser - take care in whom you place your trust.

If you are feeling disappointed and your romantic desires are unfulfilled at this time and you are wondering if they ever will be, don't worry, this won't last.

Card 4:   What is going for you »

Wheel of Fortune

Call it fate or destiny but the run of good luck or good fortune you are experiencing or about to experience is mostly not of your doing.

Enjoy this time.

If there seem to be a number of positive coincidences happening in your life - this is known as synchronicity - go with the flow and trust it.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The High Priestess

Insecurity is a devil that taunts us, but only if we listen to that 'doubting Thomas' we all have in our heads.

Ignore it.

What do your instincts tell you? Perhaps you don't like what they say. Well you could always go against your intuition - but we all know what that leads to, don't we!

Card 6:  The likely outcome »


Justice will be done.

Decisions will go in your favour, particularly regarding partnerships or legal matters.

Now is the time for some good luck and reward for your good deeds in the past.

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