Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Emperor

You feel that success and achievement are on their way to you. A man of significance will provide his support, perhaps your father, husband/partner or boss - whoever it is, he will give you steady support.

You feel confident and able to influence people and events, as you have a great sense of your own authority. Expect promotion at work or achieving greater status in life.

If you have been a victim of ill will, be assured that you will win in the end.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel suggests that you're looking for a turning point in your life and positive change, and if that's the case expect it now!

Life will go up a gear or two and events will accelerate you forward. Destiny is at play here - have you noticed a number of events that seem rather 'coincidental'? This is synchronicity, trust it and go with the flow.

Card 3:   Your fears »


You are afraid that the conclusions you've been wanting are delayed and fear any far-reaching changes ahead.

Perhaps things aren't turning out quite as you expected for some reason - this is a period when your routine will be changed dramatically.

Fear not, although events will seem to be moving at a real pace, any choice you make will change life for the better.

Card 4:   What is going for you »


Brave heart!

Your self-confidence and courageous spirit is unstoppable at the moment.

Be patient and compassionate, self-disciplined and strong and you will reap great rewards for your courage.

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The High Priestess

Insecurity is a devil that taunts us, but only if we listen to that 'doubting Thomas' we all have in our heads.

Ignore it.

What do your instincts tell you? Perhaps you don't like what they say. Well you could always go against your intuition - but we all know what that leads to, don't we!

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The Chariot

Conflicts ending in victory!

Keep charging ahead - this is a time of change, travel and success if you stay committed to achieving your goals.

A journey relating to work is imminent and if you've had your eye on that new car it will soon be yours.

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