

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius.

Positive associations with this tarot card: harmony, health, moderation, compromise, peace, self-control.

Negative associations with this tarot card: impatience, lack of foresight, conflict, quarrels, domestic strife.

When the Temperance card appears it symbolizes self-control, the ability to handle volatile factors and so bring about a positive result.

This card heralds a time of harmonious relationships, peace and harmony a time to be enjoyed.

Moderation is the key and spirituality will bring comfort. it can be said that this card represents an angel or guardian spirit looking over you.

Negatively Temperance represents over indulgence, lack of foresight, impatience, conflict and quarrels causing domestic strife.

This card warns of making hasty decisions out of impatience that will thwart your progress.