The Devil
Astrological Sign: Capricorn.
Positive associations with this tarot card: permanance, commitment.
Negative associations with this tarot card: entrapment, lust, greed, ignorance, anger, tyranny, obsession.
The Devil is not all bad, if marriage or commitment to a relationship is under consideration and this card falls in a favourable position in a reading The Devil is a good omen.
Regarding most other issues this card is not a very positive one. The Devil symbolizes lust of the flesh, temptation and addiction which don't tend to lead to favourable outcomes.
Concerning relationships this card can warn against obsession or people that are no good for us and prompts you to to examine the situation carefully.
The Devil stands for a warning against the destructive consequnces of your actions motivated by greed, lust and power.
More positively, the Devil can be a sign that you are gaining control, or at least awareness, of your weaknesses or addictions.
Always consider your motives when The Devil appears, it is a helfpul indicator for you to change course whilst you still can.